Xilinx And Model Technology Deliver Five Times The Improvement In Verification With Extended OEM Relationship
MXE II Now Capable Of Verifying Virtex-II Designs
SAN JOSE, CA--(INTERNET WIRE)--Feb 4, 2002 -- Xilinx, Inc., (NASDAQ:XLNX), is the industry's
leading supplier of HDL simulation tools. Model Technology
provides ASIC and FPGA designers with the latest in simulation
technology regardless of the language (VHDL, Verilog or
mixed-HDL) or platform (Unix, Windows, Linux) used. Model
Technology is headquartered in Portland, Ore., with 28 sales
and distribution offices in the United States, Europe, Japan,
and the Pacific Rim. For information on the nearest Model
Technology representative or Model Technology products,
call (503) 641-1340, email sales@model.com,
or visit www.model.com.
About Xilinx
Xilinx is the leading innovator of complete programmable
logic solutions, including advanced integrated circuits,
software design tools, predefined system functions delivered
as cores, and unparalleled field engineering support. Founded
in 1984 and headquartered in San Jose, Calif., Xilinx invented
the field programmable gate array (FPGA) and commands more
than half of the world market for these devices today. Xilinx
solutions enable customers to reduce significantly the time
required to develop products for the computer, peripheral,
telecommunications, networking, industrial control, instrumentation,
high-reliability/military, and consumer markets. For more
information, visit the Xilinx web site at www.xilinx.com.
Mentor Graphics, Model Technology and ModelSim are trademarks/registered
trademarks of Mentor Graphics Corporation. All other company
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trademarks of their respective owners.